Bulk Milk Transportation – QA Sampling with New TEGAM Hypodermic Temperature Probes and TruStream7 Septa
Veröffentlicht November 14, 2019 von Advanced Energy Editor
Sanitary sampling ports are an essential tool for quality control in dairy and brewery applications. Sanitary samples can be quickly collected through these ports without interrupting the process and the ease of use helps ensure that testing procedures are followed. Now, these same ports can be used to check temperatures as well through QualiTru’s TruStream7 and TruStream12 septa that accept up to 14-gauge needles.
Advanced Energy's TEGAM has just released two special hypodermic temperature probes with a 16-gauge (0.062”) tip. These can be inserted into Qualitru’s sanitary sampling ports for accurate, easy, and sanitary temperature readings. TEGAM’s 9T607MTC04 temperature probe is made of stainless steel for durability and easy cleaning. The 2” tip also provides sufficient reach into the product stream with a natural stop built in for consistent measurement. This conventionally styled probe provides the most flexibility for dealing with sampling ports in a wide variety of orientations.

Above: TruStream 7 with TEGAM’s 9T307MTC04 hypodermic temperature probe
However, there are times when one-handed operation is more convenient. For those occasions, TEGAM offers the 9T307MTC04 temperature probe. Its rigid one-piece design enables one-handed measurement and storage of the reading.
Bulk transportation of milk is regulated by the FDA under the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) and requires recording the temperature at multiple transfer points between producers, transporters and processors. Good facility practices will include additional monitoring points to ensure that the milk stays within the target 32-40 ⁰F (0-4.4 ⁰C) range. Combining the new hypodermic probe with a universal datalogging thermometer such as the TEGAM 931B creates a paperless and simple logging system that safely and conveniently stores the time and temperature of each sample in a universally accessible repository.
It really is time to go paperless for both sanitary and simplicity reasons. It is now easier and more accurate to collect the temperature samples your operation requires with a datalogging thermometer and have these readings automatically enter your quality reporting system. TEGAM offers a free demonstration website that will collect your data and let you access it on a computer, tablet or phone. If you already use a quality management system, TEGAM can show you how to connect our datalogging thermometers. TEGAM thermometers will record the temperature and time of each sample so that you have confidence in your records and can easily retrieve them as necessary for reporting or QA.
You can find more information about QauliTru’s TruStream 7 and 12 septa here and TEGAM’s datalogging thermometers here. Learn more about the single-channel 931B and dual-channel 932B datalogging thermometers by accessing their data sheet.
Ready to engage with TEGAM? Contact us by phone, form or email with questions and queries, or order your own datalogging thermometer or the hypodermic temperature probes right on the product pages. Thanks for reading.