Advanced Energy Introduces NCF660 CF-Rated Medical Power Supplies to Speed Customer Time-to-Market
Veröffentlicht Januar 21, 2025
Expands standard off-the-shelf line of power supplies certified for cardiac applications to 660 W, enabling critical medical device designers to streamline development process
DENVER, Colo., January 21, 2025 — Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) – a global leader in highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and control solutions – expanded its family of convection cooled CF-rated medical power supplies with the launch of NCF660.
The system-level cardiac floating (CF) rating is the most stringent medical device electrical safety classification and is intended for equipment with direct cardiac or bloodstream contact. The NCF660 family joins Advanced Energy’s NCF family of products, which is a unique set of standard off-the-shelf power products that include less than 10 microamps leakage current and the high levels of isolation required for these critical medical devices.
"The nature of CF-rated medical systems, which come into direct contact with the heart, has relied upon custom-developed power supplies and a lengthy certification process. Advanced Energy introduces these pre-qualified supplies as a standard product, with the aim to simplify design of these critical medical systems while ensuring high levels of patient protection,” said Emdrem Tan, executive vice president, System Power at Advanced Energy.
By implementing NCF660, which is standard certified to the requirement of the IEC 60601-1 medical safety standard, medical system engineers can shorten time to market and reduce non-recurring engineering costs. Additionally, the product family includes built-in power surge protection and enhanced thermal and EMI shielding that simplifies system design and reduces system size, weight and bill of materials.
Applications include surgical generators, cardiac assist devices and monitors, RF ablation, pulsed field ablation (PFA), and hemodialysis.
The 660 W supplies feature 5 kV defibrillator pulse protection and meet the highest possible (2 x MOPP) means of patient protection rating, which requires isolation to 4 kVAC and a creepage of at least 8 mm.
For more information on the NCF660 family of CF-rated power supplies, click here.
DENVER, Colo., January 21, 2025 — Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) – a global leader in highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and control solutions – expanded its family of convection cooled CF-rated medical power supplies with the launch of NCF660.
The system-level cardiac floating (CF) rating is the most stringent medical device electrical safety classification and is intended for equipment with direct cardiac or bloodstream contact. The NCF660 family joins Advanced Energy’s NCF family of products, which is a unique set of standard off-the-shelf power products that include less than 10 microamps leakage current and the high levels of isolation required for these critical medical devices.
"The nature of CF-rated medical systems, which come into direct contact with the heart, has relied upon custom-developed power supplies and a lengthy certification process. Advanced Energy introduces these pre-qualified supplies as a standard product, with the aim to simplify design of these critical medical systems while ensuring high levels of patient protection,” said Emdrem Tan, executive vice president, System Power at Advanced Energy.
By implementing NCF660, which is standard certified to the requirement of the IEC 60601-1 medical safety standard, medical system engineers can shorten time to market and reduce non-recurring engineering costs. Additionally, the product family includes built-in power surge protection and enhanced thermal and EMI shielding that simplifies system design and reduces system size, weight and bill of materials.
Applications include surgical generators, cardiac assist devices and monitors, RF ablation, pulsed field ablation (PFA), and hemodialysis.
The 660 W supplies feature 5 kV defibrillator pulse protection and meet the highest possible (2 x MOPP) means of patient protection rating, which requires isolation to 4 kVAC and a creepage of at least 8 mm.
For more information on the NCF660 family of CF-rated power supplies, click here.
Über Advanced Energy
Advanced Energy Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEIS) ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von hochentwickelten, präzisen Energieumwandlungs-, Mess- und Steuerungslösungen für unternehmenskritische Anwendungen und Prozesse. Die Energielösungen von Advanced Energy ermöglichen den Kunden Innovationen in komplexen Anwendungen für ein breites Spektrum von Branchen, darunter Halbleiterausrüstung, industrielle Produktion, Medizin und Biowissenschaften, Datencenter, Netzwerke und Telekommunikation. Mit technischem Know-how und reaktionsschnellem Service und Support für Kunden auf der ganzen Welt baut das Unternehmen Kooperationspartnerschaften auf, um dem technologischen Fortschritt gerecht zu werden, das Wachstum seiner Kunden voranzutreiben und die Zukunft der Energieversorgung innovativ zu gestalten. Advanced Energy widmet sich seit vier Jahrzehnten der Perfektionierung der Energieversorgung. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Denver, Colorado, USA.Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
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