Advanced Energy's POLA compliant non-isolated DC-DC converters are pin-for-pin compatible with those produced by other members of the Point-of-Load Alliance. An exceptionally wide range of configuration options maximizes application flexibility. The family includes a large number of models, spanning output currents from 6 to 60 A and output voltages from 0.8 to 5.5 VDC, with a choice of mounting styles to suit through-hole or surface-mount manufacturing technology and different board layout and size requirements. All models provide power sequencing capabilities, and many also offer other advanced features such as voltage margining and pre-bias start-up to further simplify design-in and production test.
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Technische Dokumentation
Product Information Documents
PTH12060 Datasheet
427 KB
15. Juni, 2023
Safety & Compliance Certificates
UL Certificate
107 KB
26. Juni, 2023
Engineering Resources
PTH05010—Application Note
535 KB
21. Februar, 2024

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