WaveCapture FBG Interrogator System
Fiber Bragg Grating Interrogation System with Integrated Light Source
Advanced Energy's WaveCaptureTM Fiber Bragg Grating system is an interrogation system with an integrated light source that monitors multiple wavelengths from multiple channels. Precise fiber bragg grating (FBG) sensor system measurements are achieved with high end of life (EOL) wavelength accuracy at high-frequency response times.
- Ultra-fast response time (up to 5 Hz)
- Excellent wavelength repeatability and resolution
- High speed data acquisition and transmission using USB 2.0 communications
- RS-232 available at lower speeds
- Low power consumption
- Achieve high reliability with no moving parts, including in harsh environments
- Gain precise fiber optic sensor measurements
- Take advantage of the all-solid-state electronics
- Leverage the included integrated broadband light source with 1, 4, 8, and 16 port options
Betriebstemperaturbereich (°C): | -5 to 75 |
Wellenlängenbereich (nm): | 1510 to 1590 |
Optische Schnittstelle: | FC/APC connector (or specified) |
Wellenlänge Ausleseauflösung (pm): | 1 |
Anzahl von Kanälen: | 1, 4, or 16 |
Genauigkeit: | +/-5 pm |
Rauschen (°C): | 1 pm |
Messrate (Hz): | 1 Hz to 5 kHz |
Technische Dokumentation
Product Information Documents

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