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Thyro-PX Modular Solution


SCR Controller Components

The Thyro-PX Modular Solution is a distributed architecture that allows easy installation of a customized SCR power controller system for high-current AC and DC applications. You can select and integrate individual SCR system components to create a solution beyond the reach of traditional digital SCR power controllers. These components include the Thyro-PX digital SCR power controller card architecture, fiber optic connections to reduce EMI, and versatile DC configurations. In addition, our water-cooled stacks provide a seamless solution for AC applications. Learn how to customize your setup.


  • 1, 2, and 3-phase power controller
  • Up to 690 VAC [+10%]
  • Up to 900 VDC 
  • Zero cross firing (TAKT) phase-angle firing (VAR)
  • Voltage sequence control (VSC) soft start, soft down
  • Communications:
    • Ethernet/IP
    • EtherCAT
    • Modbus TCP/IP


  • Comprehensive operating and control modes to minimize harmonic distortion and utility costs
  • High-efficiency, wear-free design with integrated soft starting for use with downstream transformers
  • Separation of power circuit and control section to avoid EMC issues, when used with the fiber optic trigger option
  • For AC and DC configuration; suitable to design W1C to W3C or B12; B18 DC systems
  • Intuitive performance and status feedback via a modular, integrated touch-screen display or PC tool
  • Multi-zone capability that independently controls multiple single-phase loads from a single controller
  • Premier control accuracy to maximize end-process repeatability



Controller Operational Temperature Range: 40 C
Controller Nominal Input Voltage Range (V): 37 VAC
Controller Product Size W x H x D [mm]: 75 x 284 x 204
Controller Output Power: 50 W
Controller Length (mm): 75
Controller Width (mm): 284
Controller Height (mm): 204


Thyro Anybus Module - EtherNet/IP

Communication Module Adds EtherNet/IP Interface

Thyro Anybus Module - Modbus

Communication Module Adds Modbus TCP Interface

Thyro Anybus Module - Profibus

Communication Module Adds the Profibus Interface

Thyro Anybus Module - Profinet

Communication Module Adds Profinet Interface

Thyro Tool Pro

Thyro Tool software is custom software made for Thyro SCR Power Controllers

Thyro-Touch Display

Integrated Process Data Recording with Easy Operation via Touch Display

Thyro-Touch Frame Kit

Frame Kit for display front door assembly

Technical Documentation



Our worldwide service centers provide fast cycle times, use only AE-qualified parts, and follow the original product's specifications and test procedures for the highest quality repair or calibration.

Agreement Term Options

Service Agreements

Reduce annual maintenance costs and simplify forecasting by building a custom service agreement into your annual operating plan. We have the capability, expertise, and capacity to provide repair services, upgrades, refurbishments, exchange, and other service offerings to support maintenance and use of AE Products. We offer multi-year contracts and provide faster turnaround time for covered products.

Agreement Term Options


Extend product life and reduce mean time between failure by replacing time-dependent components during reactive or preventative maintenance. Get the performance you would expect at the time of original manufacture for a fraction of the cost of a new unit


Replace existing, aged, discontinued, or unrepairable devices of any make and model with a new, drop-in solution, which is transparent from a specification and operation standpoint.

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