
Advanced Energy Expands Range of Ultra-High Power Density Configurable Power Supplies for Industrial and Medical Applications

投稿 12月 05, 2024

Additions to the NeoPower family enhance connectivity, reduce voltage ripple, and optimize designs without custom development

DENVER, Colo., December 5, 2024
— Advanced Energy (Nasdaq: AEIS) – a global leader in highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and control solutions – expanded its NeoPower™ (NP) family of ultra-high density configurable power supplies with new options that save space, reduce electrical noise and simplify Ethernet connectivity. 

Ideal for advanced industrial, medical, and test and measurement applications, NeoPower offers a power density up to four times higher than conventional solutions. The flexible and straightforward configuration allows engineers to expedite product development with optimized, application-specific power conversion without custom designs.

The latest additions to the NeoPower range include the NP05, which offers 2.4 kW in an industry-standard 2.5-inch form factor with five different single-slot, low-noise modules, and a PowerPro Ethernet adapter.  

“Advanced Energy’s NeoPower family extends our leadership in configurable and modular power supplies for demanding power conversion needs,” said Joe Voyles, Advanced Energy’s vice president, Industrial Power Conversion, System Power. “The new options enable customers to quickly configure designs to address applications requiring higher power densities that demand low ripple voltages with enhanced power supply monitoring and control.”

Supporting up to five different power rails from a single AC, the NP05 saves space, reduces noise and simplifies leakage current management. The single-slot low-noise modules are ideal for applications where low common-mode and differential voltage ripple are critical. 

NeoPower power supplies include connectivity as a feature, making them suitable for IoT applications that require cloud-based monitoring and control. The PowerPro Ethernet adapter adds additional connectivity options and is appropriate for customers who need MODBUS TCP control and monitoring.

For more information on NeoPower click here.


アドバンストエナジーインダストリーズ社(Nasdaq: AEIS)は、ミッションクリティカルなアプリケーションやプロセス向けの高度に設計された高精度電力変換、計測、制御ソリューションの設計および製造における世界的リーダーです。アドバンスドエナジーのパワーソリューションは、半導体装置、工業生産、医療、ライフサイエンス、データセンターコンピューティング、ネットワーキング、テレコミュニケーションなど、幅広い産業分野の複雑なアプリケーションにおける顧客の技術革新を可能にします。エンジニアリングのノウハウと、世界中のお客様への迅速なサービスとサポートにより、当社は技術の進歩に対応するための協力的パートナーシップを構築し、お客様の成長を促進し、電力の未来を革新します。アドバンストエナジーは40年にわたり、電力の完成に力を注いできました。本社は米国コロラド州デンバーにあります。


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