
TEGAM’s RF Power Sensor Calibration System Propels NIMT to the Top of Metrology

投稿 12月 02, 2019

The National Institute of Metrology of Thailand (NIMT) has upgraded the capability of their RF power sensor calibration system to 50 GHz, thanks to Advanced Energy's TEGAM thermistor RF power standards. With this upgrade, NIMT has now become one of the leaders in the world of metrology – capable of providing RF power sensors calibration service – traceable to NIST – from 9 kHz to 50 GHz. Metrology is the science of measurement. The Science establishes a common understanding of units, which is crucial in linking human activities. You can learn more about Thailand’s National Institute of Metrology here.

Advanced Energy's TEGAM RF power sensor calibration system includes the repeatable thermistor RF power standards (both primary and working standards) as well as Advanced Energy's TEGAM PS-CAL automation software –  which has been tested extensively to support a wide range of equipment drivers (signal generators, power meters, vector network analyzers) from well-known manufacturers. Our RF power sensor calibration systems range from 9 kHz – 18 GHz to 10 MHz – 50 GHz, with several system models available.

Advanced Energy's TEGAM RF power sensor calibration systems provide the lowest uncertainty and the fastest available method in the RF power measurement industrySee all our RF power sensor calibration systems here.

Interested in speaking with us further on RF power sensors & calibration needs? Please contact us here. Thanks for reading.



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