
TEGAM, Inc. Participates in Business Mission To South Africa

投稿 4月 04, 2007

The Ohio Department of Development’s International Trade Division participated in a business mission to South Africa from February 19 – 23, 2007. The mission, hosted by the Council of Great Lakes Governors (CGLG) included stops in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. Trade mission participants included representatives from: The Edison Welding Institute, Columbus; Treeman Industries, Boardman; Global Cooling, Athens; Ohio University, Athens; TEGAM, Inc., Geneva; Crown Battery, Fremont; and the Ohio Department of Development. “Exporting is a critical component of Ohio’s economy and South Africa is one of the world’s most dynamic and fastest-growing markets,” said Lt. Governor Fisher, who also serves as director of the Ohio Department of Development. “Ohio has seen significant increases in exports to South Africa in recent years and this mission is an excellent opportunity for Ohio business leaders to learn how international trade will benefit their operations and will enable them to make valuable business contacts.” Through the efforts of the CGLG member states and the CGLG office in Johannesburg, each participating company will receive a series of one-on-one business meetings with South African firms that have expressed an interest in conducting business with Ohio. The meetings are designed to help Ohio business leaders gain valuable contacts and leads for future export sales; achieve sales agreements; promote Ohio as a destination for business investment; and strengthen ties between Ohio and South African businesses, governments and communities.

For more information, contact us or visit our website.



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