
Luxtron ThermAsset2 Winding Hot Spot Controller


Effective Fiber Optic Hot Spot Monitor and Controller for Power Transformers

The Luxtron® ThermAsset®2 controller is designed to measure transformer winding hot spots in real time and activate control of the cooling system. This allows for optimum operation of the transformer at safe load capacity during overload conditions. The ThermAsset2 controller offers many of the reliable and proven features considered the standard for fiber optic temperature measurement of transformer windings in the power utility industry. The same-patented Fluoroptic® thermometer (FOT) technology is employed using a lifetime LED light source to activate the sensors. The ThermAsset2 utilizes Luxtron ruggedized probes, the toughest in the industry, which require no calibration over the lifetime of the transformer.


  • Probes based on Fluoroptic technology which is immune to electromagnetic interference and high voltage
  • Direct, real-time, and accurate measurement of transformer winding
  • Probes require no calibration over the life time of the transformer
  • Available with up to 8 channels
  • Optional tank wall adapter plate with feedthroughs


  • Protect against overloading
  • Activate cooling systems using actual winding hot spot temperatures
  • Utilize drift-free, calibration-free industry-leading ruggedized probes
  • Retain up to 300 days of data at 1-minute intervals on all channels
  • Leverage alarm status indicators for up to six customer-specific relay functions


動作温度範囲 (°C): -40 to 70
チャンネル数: 2, 4, 6, or 8
精度: ± 2 °C
騒音 (°C): < 0.1 °C
通信インターフェース: Modbus and DNP3 options available
読み出し速度(Hz): 1 to 50 Hz
センサー数: 1
ソフトウェア: TrueTemp+


Luxtron Fiber Optic Probes

Patented Fluoroptic Probes that are Chemically Resistant and Immune to Electromagnetic Interference

Luxtron Tank Wall Plate

ThermAsset2 Tank Wall Plate - Bolted or Welded Design





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