tegam ®

SDK-93X Thermometer Developer's Kit


Software Developers Kit for 931B, 932B

Easily Integrate our Datalogging Thermometers

Into Your Existing Software System

Developers’ Kit

Design a temperature data collection application that fits the way you do business! Integrate the Advanced Energy's TEGAM Data Collection Thermometer into your existing food safety system with the TEGAM Developers’ Kit. This kit provides all the tools you need to develop custom mobile and Microsoft Windows®applications compatible with the TEGAM family of datalogging thermometers.

The Developers’ Kitincludes sample executable Windows, Android, and iOS applications, along with source code and a Bluetooth Low Energy wireless dongle.*  The Developers’ kit is compatible with TEGAM’s single-channel 931B and dual-channel 932B Datalogging Thermometers.

*Used with permission from Microsoft

*The Developer’s Kit is sold “as-is” and is designed for application programmers familiar with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) in addition to asynchronous call-backs for their selected platform.  TEGAM will provide limited support to qualified developers.

Please contact us with questions on our SDK-93X Thermometer Developer’s Kit.


  • TEGAM 931B or TEGAM 932B Data Collection Thermometers (must be purchased separately)
  • Bluetooth LE radio dongle
  • Example Windows 10 executable application, source code, and build instructions that implement all the features of the 930 series thermometer
  • Example code for iOS and Android™ apps
  • Data Connector ready-to-use system tray application for linking TEGAM 930-Series Data Thermometer and a Windows PC
  • Documentation for Bluetooth LE interfac


  • Allows users to design custom temperature data collection applications to meet their exact needs


SDK-93X Active
Software Developers Kit for 931B, 932B

Accessories Stock Check

Belt Clip for 700 and 900 Series Meters

Factory or User Installed Belt Clip
This clip allows the user to attach a 700 or 900 series meter quickly and easily to a belt. Frees hands for other tasks. Can be installed at purchase of handheld meter or purchased and installed separately at a later date.
NOTE: This product is not compatible with the tilt stand or magnet holders.

Technical Specifications
Attaches easily to TEGAM’s 900 and 700 Series handheld meters
Frees operators’ hands for other tasks.

Belt Clip for 700 & 900 Series (User Installed)
Tilt Stand / Magnetic Hanger for 900 Series (Factory Installed)

Tilt Stand, Magnet, Hanger is an optional accessory for the TEGAM 911A, 912A, 931A or 932A handheld thermometers. It is Factory Installed with purchase of 900 series thermometer. The hanger attaches to the back of the handheld thermometer so that professionals may free their hands while taking temperature measurements.

Technical Specifications
Purchased with a thermocouple thermometer and IS installed prior to shipping
Attaches easily to the back of TEGAM’s 911A, 912A, 931A or 932A
Allows professionals to free their hands while taking temperature measurements

Foam-filled Hard Carry Case for 900 Series

Foam-filled hard carry case is an optional accessory for the TEGAM 911B, 912B, 931B or 932B handheld digital thermometers and the TEGAM 940A or 945A handheld temperature calibrators.

The case has a place for your handheld instrument, probes, and additional batteries.

Technical Specifications
Custom fit
Protects Equipment

Tilt Stand / Magnetic Hanger for 900 Series (User Installed)

Tilt Stand, Magnet, Hanger is an optional accessory for the TEGAM 911B, 912B, 931B or 932B handheld thermometers.  The hanger attaches to the back of the handheld thermometer so that professionals may free free their hands while taking temperature measurements.

Technical Specifications
Product is individually packed and is NOT installed on a thermocouple thermometer
Attaches easily to the back of TEGAM’s 911B, 912B, 931B or 932B
Allows professionals to free their hands while taking temperature measurements

ISO 17025 Calibration Option, 900 Series Thermometers

ISO 17025 is an International Standard and grew out of ISO Guide 25. In 2002 ISO started assessing all calibration labs to 17025. It has been updated several times since then, cleaning ambiguities, strengthening traceability requirements and expanding its overall coverage of processes. The premise of ISO 17025 is that traceability and a fully developed uncertainty statement are required to establish confidence in the calibration. Traceability is required to SI Standards (international standards based on the new SI units of measure). ISO 17025 also requires a full total uncertainty statement for the laboratory to prove the accuracy of the calibration. Its procedures assess the training and competencies of the lab personnel and the calibration procedures. ISO 17025 also requires accreditation by an internationally recognized authority.

Thermometry Accessories

Accessories for thermometers and Calibrators


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Our worldwide service centers provide fast cycle times, use only AE-qualified parts, and follow the original product's specifications and test procedures for the highest quality repair or calibration.

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Calibration and Alignment

Advanced Energy has the tools and processes to ensure your equipment continues to meet its original specifications.  Our products are calibrated at global AE service sites with proprietary technology designed to exceed industry standards​.

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