Circuit Diagnostics Using a TEGAM Temperature Calibrator/Thermocouple Calibrator
게시됨 8월 02, 2019 으로 Advanced Energy Editor

Circuit Diagnostics Using Temperature Calibrators/Thermocouple Calibrators
Did you know that you can use your Advanced Energy's TEGAM temperature calibrator as a diagnostic tool to troubleshoot your temperature control circuit?
A temperature calibrator needs a combination of features to make it a useful diagnostic tool. It needs a dual display – one for the output and one for the input, Source and Read. It also needs the output (source) and input (read) channels to be independent functions so that the temperature controller can simultaneously SOURCE and MEASURE in the circuit.
Simultaneous SOURCE and MEASURE
Using the two independent displays and independent input and output channels, temperature calibrators can simultaneously Source a highly accurate thermocouple signal to a controller and Measure the output of a thermocouple in the process so that one can verify that the controller circuit and its heater are working properly end to end. Since an operator knows, what signal is going to the controller, he or she also will know the temperature at which the system should stabilize.
Transfer Mode
When troubleshooting a system with a thermocouple transmitter in-line with the controller, you can use the calibrator’s Transfer mode to verify the system end to end – the transmitter, the system thermocouple, and the signal cabling.
Transfer Mode in a System with a Transmitter
Select the Transfer mode. Then connect the system’s thermocouple to the input of the temperature controller and connect the output channel to the transmitter. The temperature controller will read the System Thermocouple connected to its input and automatically re-transmit that signal to the transmitter. Here you validate the thermocouple reading and create a valid input to the transmitter; eliminating ground loops and electrostatic noise, as well as being able to view open or intermittent circuit connections. The re-transmitted signal is displayed on the Source Display. This validates the signal going to the transmitter. You should quickly be able to determine if there is a problem with the transmitter by reading the upstream instrument or verifying the controller setting by reading the thermocouple signal you are re-transmitting. The Transfer Mode gives you end-to-end system check with a system including a transmitter.
Transfer Mode in a System with No Transmitter
The Transfer Mode is just as valuable in a thermocouple circuit without a transmitter. Connect the thermocouple calibrator into the input channel and connect the downstream instrument into the source channel and you can watch how your system performs. You can read the temperature from the thermocouple calibrator and validate that this is the signal being sent to the meter or control circuit. This is a quick and easy way to validate that the wiring and sensing circuit is working properly.
The TEGAM 940A and 945A Thermocouple Temperature Calibrators have both of these features as standard inclusions. See our Temperature Calibration Kit as well here. Want to learn more or have a specific question you need answered regarding our temperature calibrators/thermocouple calibrators? Contact us here and we’ll get back to you shortly.
As always, thanks for reading!
Advanced Energy Editor
Advanced Energy