Coming Soon! The Next-Generation, 130-Watt, Quad-Output Product Family- The GB130Q!
게시됨 4월 26, 2019
SL Power Electronics is pleased to announce a new Coming Soon product, the GB130Q. The GB130Q family is a highly efficient, quad-output power conversion solution that is rich in features and developed specifically for next-generation medical and industrial applications.
The GB130Q carries dual safety certification, complying to both Medical (IEC/UL60601-1, 3rd Edition) and Industrial/ITE (IEC/UL62368) safety standards within the same SKU. This is one of the most notable attributes of this family of products and when paired with a design optimized for seamless integration, they stand out as the ultimate solution for virtually any application.
SL Power’s new quad output is constructed with the highest quality components, such as long-life electrolytic capacitors. Furthermore, the power supply design ensures that these components are not pushed to their maximum output ratings. For example, the long-life electrolytic capacitors operate below their threshold and ESR ratings in order to extend the life of the end equipment and minimize field service needs.
In addition, the GB130Q features various output combinations, includes a 5V Standby output, remote inhibit via switch closure, power fail/DC ok signal, and meets Class B conducted and radiated EMI with a high degree of margin. Meeting Class B EMI Levels with margin ensures less effort by the system designer to integrate a power supply into the end equipment, which is why the GB130Q was designed to offer 6db conducted & 3db radiated EMI margin, further ensuring seamless integration with the end equipment.
Features & Benefits
- 3” x 5” x 1.5” Package
- 130W w/air, 100W Convection Cooled
- Universal Input 90-264Vac
- 87% Typical Efficiency
- Approved to CSA/EN/IEC/UL62368, IEC61326-1
- Approved to CSA/EN/IEC/UL60601-1, 3rd Edition
- Meets Class B Radiated & Conducted EMI
- 5V@1A Standby Output
- Remote Inhibit
- >7 Year E-Cap Life
- 3 Year Warranty
- RoHS Compliant

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