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New Application Note – Design Considerations for Maximum Allowable Temperature

게시됨 11월 15, 2019

SL Power Electronics has published a new application note entitled, “Design Considerations for Maximum Allowable Temperature”, which reviews various considerations in assessing potential risks and hazards associated with excessive temperatures and other hazards that may arise during the normal operation of a product.

This is presented within the scope of the following safety standards:

  • IEC 61010: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use Part 1: General requirements
  • IEC 60950: Information technology equipment – Safety, Part 1: General requirements
  • IEC 60601: Medical Electrical Equipment, Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance

Safety standards dictate the requirements for products to remain safe during the normal operating condition of the product as well as during an abnormal single fault condition. Standards also require products to operate safely within a minimum set of environmental conditions, such as an ambient temperature range and supply voltage fluctuations.

Temperature tests are performed at the specified temperature range, and at least the minimum range, specified in the relevant standard, to limit the risk of burn injuries or fires. Abnormal tests are performed to verify that the product will remain safe even when there is a fault condition, such as blocked cooling vents or a component short.

To learn more about the design considerations for maximum allowable temperature, click here to access the application note.

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