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New PMBus & Digital Communication Application Notes Available

게시됨 10월 09, 2019

SL Power Electronics has published two new application notes discussing digital communication and how it is integrated into power conversion technology.

The first application note entitled, “Digital Control of Power Supplies”, describes the growing need for digital control systems to govern power supplies and the pending transition away from analog systems. The paper goes into depth and touches on the challenges that exist with digital control, as well as the various considerations system designers must take into account when integrating these systems.


The second application note entitled, “PMBus and SL Power Products”, describes I2C and PMBus communication. The paper goes over the history, background and basic theory of operation. In addition, the paper drills down to more specific details regarding the application of PMBus power supplies for smart horticulture LED lighting systems and also ties in SL Power’s GU300 – a product family featuring PMBus that is coming soon!



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