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Sager Electronics partners with SL Power on COVID-19 Recovery Program

게시됨 4월 20, 2020

To our Valued Customers and partners,

SL Power is happy to announce partnership with Sager Electronics on SL Power’s COVID-19 Recovery Program (CRP).SL Power recognizes the immediate need to Save and Sustain Lives. The COVID-19 Recovery Program is directed towards Medical Device OEMs and other manufacturers racing to deliver ventilators, infusion pumps, and other medical devices supporting the COVID-19 recovery globally.

To support the COVID-19 Recovery Program, SL Power has committed to:
  • Allocate 100% of its manufacturing capacity in both Mexico and China manufacturing locations to medical applications, with an increased priority for COVID-19 recovery related applications.
  • Proactively assess and mitigate supply risk to shorten lead times.
  • Provide escalated access to Field Applications Engineers (FAE), and the world-class Customer Experience Center (CEC) with all of its testing capabilities.
  • Accelerate exploration and delivery of any desired product customization to minimize end-application integration, and FDA risk.
  • Accelerate RFQ response time to 4hrs for COVID-19 related pursuits.

Additionally, Sager Electronics has committed to:
  • Accelerate quote response time for COVID-19 RFQs
  • Providing access to power supply engineers to assist with product selection, and regulatory approvals
  • Proactively maintain healthy inventory levels of medical SKUs
  • Providing access to free product samples for validated COVID-19 opportunities
We recognize that these are challenging conditions, and SL Power and Sager Electronics are committed to doing everything possible to support your COVID-19 needs. Please reach out to one of our SL Power or Sager Electronics representatives, or by utilizing the SL Power’s dedicated COVID-19 contact page to see how we can best assist you.


Shrinidhi Chandrasekharan
Sr. Director, Global Product Management & Marketing
SL Power Electronics Corp

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