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SL Power Electronics Exhibits at MD&M West

게시됨 2월 15, 2018

SL Power Electronics is pleased to report another successful exhibition at MD&M West. The event took place at the Anaheim Convention Center located in the heart of Anaheim, California from February 6th through the 8th.

During the 3-day trade show, SL Power displayed their latest and greatest power conversion solutions for medical applications that Save and Sustain Lives.

“MD&M West provides the largest showcase of medtech suppliers in the country, plus a full spectrum of solutions across the advanced design and manufacturing supply chain. Whether you’re interested in new materials, intelligent sensors, testing solutions, components, packaging, or anything else needed to bring your concept to market, you can source from more than 2,000 cutting-edge suppliers in a time-saving format. Medical Design & Manufacturing West is a leading platform for innovations and creations of some far-sighted technologies aimed at making medical science operations time saving and convenient. This event revolves around latest technologies, including: 3D approach to medical science, new battery tech, and cutting-edge medical equipment. It aims to build an effective team discussing about latest medtech. What adds more to the event is the presence of experts and panelists discussing latest industry trends.”


The SL Power Team at MD&M West:

Karim Alhusseini
Shrinidhi Chandrasekharan 
Jay Johnson
Anthony Serino
Ernest Grechanik
Sales and Marketing VP
Global Product Management & Marketing Director
Global Sales Manager
Field Application Engineer
MarCom Manager

Click here for more information about MD&M


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