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SL Power Expands Upon Targeted Applications Within Industrial Space

게시됨 11월 01, 2019

For some time, SL Power Electronics has focused on three primary markets – Medical, LED, and Test & Measurement. Due to the critical nature of the applications within these markets, high performance is simply not enough. These mission-critical applications require power supplies that are holistically balanced across all performance dimensions of power conversion.

The reputation of SL Power’s quality products, highly specialized engineering expertise and world-class customer intimacy within the Test & Measurement space quickly spread into adjacent markets and applications that had similar requirements. This branching out has inevitably resulted in the need for SL Power to replace Test & Measurement with Industrial in addition to incorporating three new focus subsegments: Automation, Photonics and Industrial robotics.


Industrial Market Segment

Industrial equipment can be particularly affected by the quality and performance of power supplies. Electrical noise is a major concern because the speed and accuracy of test equipment rests greatly on its ability to minimize noise and keep it away from the sensitive electronics which sample and report the data that the equipment is designed to measure.

Industrial systems may be used for validating electronic circuits, testing electronic equipment, analyzing chemical substances, monitoring environmental conditions, or testing discrete components. Test equipment may be portable, in laboratories or on production floors so the environment where the equipment can be used is also critical when selecting a power supply.

Our products power Applications such as spectrometry and chromatography equipment that is used to detect the chemical composition of liquids and gases. Ensuring the safety of the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat and the medications you take all rely on the integrity of this equipment. That is why many of the leading equipment manufacturers of industrial equipment used to inspect or monitor these life-sustaining elements partner with SL Power. We Ensure Quality and Productivity.


Applications That Matter

While our industrial power supplies can be used in a wide range of applications, we specialize in power supplies for automated testinganalytical instrumentselectronics testing, automation, industrial robotics, and photonics. Industrial equipment designers have told us their challenges and we have listened. SL Power’s TU, TB, TE and TF Series power supplies were designed to address all the main areas of concern, such as EMI performance, ESD protection, input surges, RF noise, and common-mode noise. In addition, these power supplies were designed to last as long as the end equipment, by using only high quality, long-life electrolytic capacitors well within their ratings. While competitor power supplies offer only some of these protections, The T Series models deliver enhanced performance across all critical operational parameters.

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