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SL Power Publishes GB30 & GB40 Application Notes

게시됨 11월 06, 2019

SL Power Electronics is excited to announce the publication of two all-new application notes dedicated to the recently released GB Series. Each application note features a specific product family within the GB Series.

The application notes highlight the GB30 and GB40, representing two out of the four product families that comprise the GB Series. Application notes dedicated to the GB10 and GB20 product families are under development and will be released soon!


The GB30 and GB40 application notes provide an in-depth analysis of the 30-Watt and 40-Watt product families of the revolutionary GB Series, which were the first products of SL Power’s Lean Line. The GB Series delivers market-leading EMI/EMC characteristics along with long product life, making it easier for medical and industrial original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to integrate these power conversion units into their system – all at a cost-effective price point.


These documents consist of rich testing data, delivering valuable insight into key features, thermal considerations, efficiency, inrush current, turn-on delay time, output turn-on rise time, max load, hold-up time, hiccup mode, short-circuit protection, common-mode noise, conducted emissions, and more. This enables readers to visually interpret the data in a holistic way.


Superior Performance 30 W AC to DC Converter

Superior Performance 40 W AC to DC Converter

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