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TEGAM Student Challenge Winner Announced

게시됨 6월 16, 2009

Advanced Energy's TEGAM is pleased to announce and congratulate the Winner of the 2009 Student Research Challenge, Wei Wu, of Northwestern University. Mr. Wu submitted an application synopsis of his use of the TEGAM Model 2350, Dual Channel High Voltage Precision Power Amplifier. Mr. Wu’s research project was “Electrically Tunable Quantum Dot Intersubband Devicves”. Quantum dot intersubband devices, such as quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) and quantum dot cascade lasers (QDCLs) have broad application in many areas, such as medical and biological imaging, environmental and chemical monitoring, and infrared imaging for space and night vision. The TEGAM Model 2350 was used to form a layer of aluminum oxide with very high quality because it provided very stable amplification with a high slew rate (250V/µs). You may read the complete synopsis here. Mr. Wu is majoring in Electrical Engineering, with a minor in Solid State Engineering. His research was under the supervision of Professor Hooman Mohseni. The contest was designed to help TEGAM learn how our customers are using our products, and to support the up-and-coming engineers and researchers of the world. The challenge was open to any graduate or undergraduate student who used TEGAM equipment in their research and/or studies. TEGAM intends to repeat the Student Challenge on a periodic basis and all qualified participants are welcome.

For more information, contact us or visit our website.


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