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TEGAM Voltmeter Obtains C-UL-US Certification

게시됨 11월 02, 2009

Advanced Energy's TEGAM, which designs, manufactures and supports a wide variety of test, measurement and calibration instruments, is pleased to announce the C-UL-US certification of the Model 110A Safety Voltmeter. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) is the trusted resource across the globe for product safety certification and compliance solutions. The C-UL-US Mark is applied to products for the Canadian and United States markets. The products with this type of mark have been evaluated to Canadian safety requirements; as well as U.S. safety requirements. The TEGAM 110A was designed for line clearing and verifying safe working conditions and is the only single switch, single range digital voltmeter that automatically tests for AC & DC volts to 1000V and is factory-tested at 2500V. The key features of the unit include:

  • Current Limiting Probes with 1 MO Resistance in Each Probe
  • Single Switch On/Off
  • Single 1000V Range
  • Automatically Detects AC or DC
  • Permanently Attached Silicone Insulated Leads
  • Designed and Tested to Withstand 2500 V
  • Independently Tested to Withstand 5000V for 1 Minute

The key to providing this level of safety is the 1 M ohm resistor found in each probe. “The resistors limit the current flow through the 110A, thereby eliminating the hazard.” said Kevin Kaufman, TEGAM’s Director of National Sales. “The result…no arc or flash is possible at the point-of-contact or internally should a fault occur. No other voltmeter compares”. The Model 110A was originally developed for Dow Chemical and the safety benefits of the 110A are being enjoyed by E.I. du Pont, Eastman Chemical, Amoco Oil, Exxon, Lockheed-Martin and wide variety of other businesses. It is designed to be easy-to-use with gloves on and is a cost effective replacement for less safe solenoid testers, analog meters and DMMs. The rugged, low-cost Model 110A was designed for safety. It is proven to not only to save time, but also to reduce injuries and save lives! The Model 110A is currently available in both the United States and Canada, as well as through TEGAM’s International Distributor Network. More information about the TEGAM 110A can be found here.

For more information, contact us or visit our website.


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