Open Compute Project (OCP), Open Rack V.2 ORV2
Advanced Energy introduces 6600 W (N+1) V2 power shelf which houses three 3300 W power supplies shown on the left. Each PSU has a 12 V main output and 3300 W rated power and 270W at 52.5V for battery charging.
- High efficiency, Titanium 80 Plus Compliant PSU
- Hot pluggable PSU’s
- Open Compute Project (OCP) compliant PSU’s
- Digital control for better accuracy
- Status LEDs for fault reporting
- Houses 3x3300W power modules and 3x3600W Lithium Ion battery back up modules
- Low power loss and heat load in the rack
- Droop + active current sharing – load is evenly distributed across PSUs in a shelf Hot swappable for redundant operation – no system down time
출력 전력(W): | 3300 |
길이(인치): | 20.85 |
너비(인치): | 6.5 |
높이(인치): | 2.56 |
마운팅 유형: | Rack-mount |
최소 출력 전류(A): | 0 |
최대 출력 전류(A): | 265 |
출력 전압 범위(V): | 0V to 0V |
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