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AIF Case Kit


Metal Casing Kit for AIF PFC Units

The AIF-CASE-KIT provides both an isulator-sheet and an EMI-shield that can be used in conjunction with any AIF-prefix full-brick sized modules - whether that would be the DCDC family or PFC families of AIFs.The objective is to provide radiated-EMI noise screening for any ciruitry in close proximity to any AIF module. Both the insulator and screen are to be fiited on assembly of the unit to the host application PCB.


  • Metal casing kit for all AIF**ZPFC modules and AIF series DCDC converters
  • Shield and Insulator provided
  • Insulator material 94VTM-0
  • To be placed before soldering
  • Provides additional radiated EMI screening function
  • Fits all AIF series PFC and DCDC modules


출력 전력(W): 0
길이(인치): 4.6
너비(인치): 2.42
높이(인치): 0.5
마운팅 유형: BMP Case
최소 출력 전류(A): 0
최대 출력 전류(A): 0
최소 출력 전력(W): 0
모든 사양 사양 축소

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