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Trek 320C Series


High Sensitivity, DC-Stable Electrostatic Voltmeter, Measures 0 to ±100 V DC or Peak AC

The Trek® 320C can be used over a wide range of probe-to-surface distances. It features a calibrated null voltage supply of ±10 V of nulls contact potentials when measuring voltages on dissimilar materials. Response speed control adjusts the speed/noise tradeoff of the  AC response. And self-locking drift/spacing null adjustment minimizes the variations in voltage values as the probe-to-test surface spacing changes. 


  • 1 mV sensitivity
  • Self-locking drift/spacing null adjustment
  • 3.5-digit LED display


  • Use over a wide range of probe-to-surface distances
  • Rely on response speed control to adjust AC response for speed and noise 
  • Utilize low impedance probe sensor that assures high accuracy in high humidity and contaminated environments (e.g. airborne dust, toner, ions, and chemicals)
  • Monitor detected output voltage through a 1:1 voltage monitor output and a switch-selectable scale of 10:1 or 20:1 voltage monitor output


작동 온도 범위(°C): 0 to 40
측정 범위: 0 to ±100 V
측정 정확도(%): ±0.05%
응답 속도(ms): < 300


Trek Non-Contacting Voltmeter Probes

We offer an assortment of probes with multiple views, shapes, and aperture sizes available. You can also choose from high temperature and resolution probes for extreme temperatures and critical measurements.

기술 문서


Calibration and Alignment

Advanced Energy has the tools and processes to ensure your equipment continues to meet its original specifications.  Our products are calibrated at global AE service sites with proprietary technology designed to exceed industry standards​.

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