Mikron M305 Blackbodies
Compact, General Purpose Blackbody Calibration Source, 100 to 1000°C
The Mikron® M305 blackbody calibration source designed for applications where portability is required and / or installation space is limited. The M305's spherical, metal cavity design yields an emissivity of 0.995 over the temperature range of 100 to 1000°C (212 to 1832°F) with an aperture of 25 mm (1 in). An integrally mounted PID controller allows for easy, precise control of desired temperature setpoints.
- Integrally mounted PID controller
- Furnished with certificate of calibration traceable to NIST
- RS232 (standard) or RS485 (optional) serial communications port
- High emissivity 1.0 effective at 0.7 to 1.8 µm T ≥ 230°C, 1.0 at 8 to 14 µm T < 230°C
- Easily move, weighs only 25 kg (55 lb)
- Meet rigid quality control standards
- Achieve ideal emissivity and accuracy
- Rely on fast heat-up times and temperature stability
측정 불확도(°C): | ±0.2% of reading ±1 °C |
인터페이스/출력(mA): | RS232, RS485 |
상대 습도: | 90 |
CE 라벨: | CE-Label |
장치 출력 온도 범위(°C): | 100 to 1000 °C |
안정성: | 1 °C per 8-hour period |
가열 이미터 모양: | 25.4 mm |
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