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Luxtron M-1100 Fiber Optic Temperature Converter


Fiber optic temperature sensing for semiconductor in etch and deposition applications

The Advanced Energy's Luxtron® M-1100 is the latest FluorOptic® thermometry (FOT) converter platform, featuring an advanced light source and improved ultralow noise electronics. Two new proprietary phosphor formulations VioLuxTM and RubiLuxTM have been developed to deliver 0.5°C accuracy, repeatability, and stability over an extended range -200 to 450°C.


  • Wide supported temperature range
  • Low noise level with fast response rate
  • 5 channels in a single converter
  • Flexible communication outputs
  • EtherCAT Interface (optional)
  • Analog output


  • Non-contact measurement to minimize the thermal offset
  • Easy to install into OEM equipment
  • Achieve high accuracy and a extreme temperature control for different etching and wafer fab processes
  • Receive support from experienced applications engineers to customize probes for OEMs


작동 온도 범위(°C): 5 to 60
채널 수: Up to 5
정확도: ± 0.5 °C
소음(°C): ≤ 0.05 °C
측정 범위: -200 to 450
통신 인터페이스: ECAT, 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V

기술 문서



Model Luxtron M-1100 Luxtron M900 WaveCapture FBG Analyzer Series
채널 수 Up to 5 4 to 64 1
정확도 ± 0.5 °C ±0.5 to ± 0.1 °C +/-5 pm
소음(°C) ≤ 0.05 °C < 0.1 °C 1 pm
통신 인터페이스 ECAT, 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V RS232, RS485 USB 2.0, RS232, Ethernet IEEE 802.3

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