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PowerInsight by Advanced Energy™

Transform data into actionable insights
PowerInsight acts like a flight recorder, captures AE’s power delivery system performance data, including configurable FastDAQ data for critical events (equivalent to oscilloscope data). It increases up time by reducing turnaround of troubleshooting and no problem observed (NPO) returns.

  • Plug & Play - optimized user experience to access data on a web-browser without installing any software.
  • All data saved locally; Various network connection options, including local or remote access.
  • Easily navigate real time and historical data for single unit and multi-units condition monitoring.
  • Dedicated data analytics support by Data Scientists and power delivery system experts.
  • PowerInsight is compatible with a comprehensive list of Plasma Power Products, including Power Delivery Systems, Pulsed and DC Power Systems, Remote Plasma Sources, RF Match Networks, and RF Plasma Generator.
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