Advanced Energy 为要求高效率、高功率密度和高可靠性的超大规模数据中心提供量身定制的电源解决方案。我们的电源解决方案专为满足这些数据中心的独特要求而设计,即快速扩展或缩减计算资源,以满足用户的动态需求。
Data Center
Advanced Energy's power product portfolio offers a range of solutions designed to simplify the architecture of hyperscale data centers. Our AC-DC and DC-DC front-end power supplies and rack system solutions are optimized for efficiency and power density, reducing the total cost of ownership.
Open Compute Project Power Solutions
Explore our power solutions for data center applications designed to meet the rigorous standards of the open compute project, allowing for rapid deployment.
我们提供多种 AC-DC 和 DC-DC 前端解决方案,有 12 V 和 48 V 输出电压可选择,能够轻松集成到您现有的基础设施中。我们的产品设计直观简单、部署迅速,是满足超大规模和云计算需求的理想解决方案。Advanced Energy 深知优化超大规模数据中心效率和功率密度的重要性。我们致力于在保持高性能和高可靠性的同时,最大限度地降低能耗,从而降低总体拥有成本。我们可靠、创新、高效的电源转换产品可确保您的超大规模数据中心平稳高效运行,最大限度延长正常运行时间,缩短停机时间。