Aesthetic Lasers
Aesthetic medical lasers, including Laser, IPL, and Laser Diode, are widely used for various skin conditions and hair and tattoo removal. Our solutions prioritize power density and reliability, enabling us to provide the right solution for the aesthetic medical laser industry.
Ophthalmic lasers require precise and consistent power delivery to ensure safe and effective treatment of eye conditions such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration. Our power solutions are designed to meet the specific power requirements of ophthalmic lasers, providing high power density, low noise, and high efficiency in a compact form factor.
The surgical laser industry faces various challenges, including finding power supplies that can deliver precise, easily controlled power with low acoustic noise. These power supplies must also be compatible with portable devices, offer multiple output voltages, and preserve a high-power density.

Artesyn Healthcare Brochure_English Catalog

Low Voltage Medical Power Supplies Brochure

FlexiCharge FC1500 Aesthetic Medical Laser Case Study

HV Power Supply Femtosecond Laser Equipment Case Study

Aesthetic Laser Treatment Case Study

Medical Power Supplies Brochure

Medical Power Supplies Selector Guide

FOT Medical Systems and Research Applications Note

Medical Lasers and Aesthetic Equipment

Laser Technology in the Medical and Cosmetic Industry Application Note

Low Leakage Medical Power Supplies Application Note
- 激光在美容、外科、眼科和治疗领域的使用日益增多。
- 外科手术的增加导致产品开发周期持续加快。
- 需要更快的手术和美容治疗时间,以改善患者疗效和诊所工作量。
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- 需要混合电压(可配置)和混合技术(高压)共存的小型多功能系统
- 监管复杂性增加
- Advanced Energy 电源专为要求苛刻的医疗和激光美容应用而设计,因此激光制造商可以优化设计,以实现高性能、高可靠性和高合规性。 Advanced Energy 可以成为您的全面电源解决方案合作伙伴。
- 充电电容器
- 冷却泵
- TEC 元件
- 波克尔斯电池
- 控制电子元件
- 碎石
- 射频