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Improving Scrap Steel Efficiency with Arc Furnace Optimization Techniques
März 26, 2025
Steel continues to play a crucial role in modern engineering and construction. However, steel requires enormous amount of energy to produce and each ton of steel production generates an average of 1.89 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2)—about 8% of global emissions (World Steel Association). As steel customers strive to improve the costs and energy efficiency of their production and decarbonize their supply chains, they face significant challenges in remaining competitive.
Editor's Picks
Powering X-ray Detectors - the Role of High and Low Voltage Power Supplies
März 17, 2025
In any imaging system, the noise and ripple on the output of the high voltage supply are critical as they compromise the image quality. Any ripple present at the point of detection will degrade signal integrity and then become amplified before being analyzed and ultimately displayed. To achieve the best possible image quality, defining and managing this power source parameter is crucial to successfully implementing the system.
How the Latest Innovations in Switched-Mode Power Conversion Boosts Efficiency, Flexibility and Reliability in Today’s Power Systems
August 27, 2024
By Joe Voyles
Power system designers today face intense pressure to raise conversion efficiency and save energy as they strive to deliver sustainably improved performance. One key to reaching greater efficiency is switched-mode power conversion.

Powering the Future: Advanced Energy at APEC 2025
März 12, 2025
By Conor Quinn
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) and with this landmark, it’s important to reflect on how the industry has evolved, and what key trends to watch out for at the show.
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Safety Requirements in Medical Equipment: Designing for BF and CF Classifications
März 05, 2024
IEC 60601-1 is the most critical international safety specification for the design of medical electrical equipment. This standard defines classifications that impact safety-related design, which are based on how systems interact with patients.

Advanced Energy’s Year of Transformation
Januar 31, 2024
2023 was a year of transformation for Advanced Energy. In engineering, operations and digital, AE emerged stronger from the post-pandemic surge and leapt forward – better leveraging its collective of leading technologists, brands and operations to serve its customers better. Supported by a 40+ years of history, in 2023 AE was more effective, agile and inventive than ever – developing smaller, more

New Safety Standards and Medical Power Implication of Transition to IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.2
Januar 22, 2024
By Del Moses and Nesa Kandaiah
When certifying a medical product, updates to an industry standard can make for challenging times for medical equipment manufacturers, especially when a standard is costly to publish, impacting the cost of compliance as well.
Top 5 Medical Industry Trends from MEDICA 2023
Dezember 27, 2023
By Dermot Flynn
Advanced Energy recently exhibited at the MEDICA and COMPAMED trade fair on November 13-16 in Dusseldorf, Germany. This year, MEDICA and COMPAMED drew more than 6,000 exhibitors and over 83,000 attendees from the medical industry.

Dynamic Reverse Pulsing – What About the Anode?
Dezember 04, 2023
By Gayatri Rane
A previous AE blog, Dynamic Reverse Pulsing – What About Duty Cycle?, discussed reactive sputter deposition of insulating thin films in large-area coaters, describing the benefits of using the Dynamic Reverse Pulse (DRP) power-delivery mode over the bipolar (BP) mode of dual magnetron sputtering. In DRP mode , dual targets are bipolar pulsed against an explicit anode and the duty cycle can be varied so that the polarity is positive on the target for a shorter time during pulsing. This allows clearing of charge build-up on the targets. In our studies, DRP mode showed increased deposition rate and reduced substrate temperature when compared to similar depositions with the BP mode.

Top 5 Takeaways from OCP 2023
November 16, 2023
By Brian Korn
Last month marked our 6th year of engagement and partnership with the OCP community through the OCP Global Summit, which took place on Oct. 17 – 19 in San Jose, Calif. Our journey started with the ORv2 12V power shelf, and we’re now transitioning towards the next-generation 48V ORv3 power shelf.
Sputter Deposition of Indium Tin Oxide: To Pulse or Not to Pulse
Oktober 30, 2023
By Gayatri Rane
Sputter deposition characteristics of indium tin oxide (ITO) from compound targets for applications as a transparent conductive oxide (TCO) have been widely investigated to find deposition processes that optimize film properties

Powering Electrosurgery: Precise Control and Delivery of RF Energy
Oktober 23, 2023
By Todd Huston
Medical applications have made use of radio frequency (RF) energy in the form of electromagnetic waves or electrical currents for over 125 years. The ability to transect and seal vessels and tissue effectively and safely, for example, is a critical surgical task with RF-based techniques being the gold standard for cutting and cauterizing.
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