Advanced Energy는 주로 Highly configurable modular power와 Rack-mounting bulk 전원 장치로 구성된 광범위한 중전력과 고전력 AC-DC 전원 공급 장치를 생산합니다. 여기에는 최대 3000W의 출력 등급을 가진 개별 전원 모듈이 포함되어 있어 고객이 최대 24kW의 출력 용량을 가진 대량 전원 시스템을 구성할 수 있도록 지원합니다. 이러한 제품 중 다수는 의료용 규격까지 만족하며 많은 기능을 탑재하고 있습니다. 이 제품들은 뛰어난 성능, 신뢰성, 비용 대비 효율성으로 인정받고 있습니다.
Configurable/Modular Industrial & Medical PSU
기술 문서
Advanced Energy has devoted more than four decades to perfecting power for its global customers. We design and manufacture highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement, and control solutions for mission critical applications and processes
Download ARTESYN μMP SERIES GEN II Datasheet for details regarding product specifications, electrical specifications, mechanical specifications and ordering information. Discover how AE's configurable power supply meet your needs.
Download CoolX 1800 Datasheet for details regarding product specifications, electrical specifications, mechanical specifications and ordering information. Discover how our intelligent modular power supply meet your needs.
Download CoolX 600 Datasheet for details regarding product specifications, electrical specifications, mechanical specifications and ordering information. Discover how our intelligent modular power supply meet your needs.
Download XGEN Datasheet for details regarding product specifications, electrical specifications, mechanical specifications and ordering information. Discover how our OEM power supplies meet your needs.
Download iVS series Datasheet for details regarding product specifications, electrical specifications, mechanical specifications and ordering information. Discover iVS power supplies meet your needs.
The NeoPower is certified for both industrial and medical safety approvals, including compliance to the SEMI F47 standard. The NeoPower supports digital communication with MODBUS RTU for control, monitoring and configuration.
Add CANBUS and PMBUS capabilities to Artesyn branded NeoPower and Evergreen products
Programming cable for iHP, iTS, LCM12K, LCM4000HV, NeoPower, FCM10K & FCM30K Products.